E-gamification as a training strategy for the SDG

March 11 | 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Maximum number of participants: 30

Alexandra Aragão
Professor at the Faculty of Law od the University of Coimbra

Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. Master in European Integration and PhD in Legal-Political Sciences. Researcher at Instituto Jurídico, member of the European Legal Observatory of the Natura 2000 and Water Network, of the Advisory Board of the European Environmental Law Forum and trustee of the group of specialists in European Environmental Law Avosetta.org. Coordinator of the Ibero-American Network JUST SIDE on territorial justice and member of the International Network of Sustainability Diplomacy. Member of the IPBES Conflict of Interest Committee. Her teaching and publication areas are European environmental law, ecoliteracy, nature conservation law, Earth system law, eco-innovation, animal law, waste law, risk law, civil protection law, chemical law, food security law, territorial justice. For ten years, it has been developing teaching-learning strategies in higher education based on gamification.

About the workshop

An interactive demonstration of the functionalities of three pedagogical games developed at the University of Coimbra and freely accessible online will be held, for:

a) gameplay evaluation;

b) analysis of possible educational dynamics;

c) appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of using online games.

To participate

Para participar

  • Não são exigidos conhecimentos específicos. Qualquer grupo de docência, nível escolar secundário ou ensino superior;
  • Fazer-se acompanhar de um dispositivo conectável à internet (smartphone, computador, tablet) ou estar disponível para usar um dispositivo partilhado.